Zero Percent
…an answer f0r Roz Warren’s recent question about mon3y made on m3dium
How much money
has passed between
medium, me,
and cash machine?
Zero dollars.
Exactly no
cents (or pesos) — a
loss ratio.
Look how I give
and give give give
keep on giving
to social sieve!
Am I stupid
about exchange?
My investment:
an eühange.
NOTE: Eühange is German for “old.” It’s got three syllables, so drag it out as “eee who hang-ee.” This poem doesn’t really make any sense. But then again, does writing on medium? For me, it does. I just like to write. And I love to read…(especially what Roz Warren writes; her post inspired this … uh… nonsense)! I love words. I have trouble with numbers (and they have trouble with me). Money is number-y. Words are just … free.
And I am “old,” but that is OK. I’ve earned that status!