to say enough
You must take an / inventory / to know when to / end a story.
Allow letters / spins and spiros / their vibrations / make a kairos.
Carry weight of / means and timing / upstairs, downwind / essay rhyming.
Lyric lifts then / falls into rough — / poem’s novel end / says when enough.
NOTE: This poem was produced by Kate Gray’s call to write this morning ( The prompt was “To stay sensitive.” Sensitive? Well…what about that?
So, I took an inventory of the letters that created the prompt: Ttt o SsS a y ee n ii v. And then look what happened: TO SAY ENIV. Sounds like? “To Say Enough.” “Enough said,” I thought. So let me write it…and this is what happened. How do we know when enough is enough?
We don’t. We never know.
And that…is enough.