Peace through Poetry…and AI

Mary L. Holden
3 min readOct 25, 2023

Thanks, Denise Levertov, for a beautiful poem to share with friends and AI.

By Elsa Dorfman — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

New Chat with ChatGPT: Promoting Peace through Poetry

Mary L. Holden: How can Denise Levertov’s poem “Making Peace” make the world a better place and bring antagonistic leaders and warmongers to their senses?

ChatGPT: Denise Levertov’s poem “Making Peace” can contribute to making the world a better place and potentially influence antagonistic leaders and warmongers in several ways:

  1. Promotion of Empathy: The poem can foster empathy by emphasizing the human cost of conflict. It paints a vivid picture of the suffering and devastation caused by war. When leaders and warmongers are reminded of the human toll, it may encourage them to reevaluate their actions and consider the impact on people’s lives.
  2. Aesthetic Appeal: Poetry can transcend political and cultural boundaries. Its beauty and emotional resonance can touch the hearts of those who read or hear it, regardless of their background. This can create a shared emotional experience that may lead to more understanding and unity.
  3. Critical Reflection: Levertov’s poem encourages readers to reflect on the consequences of violence. By presenting a thought-provoking perspective on war, it can stimulate critical thinking and self-examination in leaders and individuals alike.
  4. Educational Tool: The poem can be used as an educational tool. Teachers, activists, and peacemakers can use it to facilitate discussions on the cost of war, the importance of peace, and conflict resolution. This can reach young minds and help shape future leaders with a more peaceful outlook.
  5. Inspiration for Advocacy: “Making Peace” can inspire individuals and organizations advocating for peace. It can be a rallying point for those working to promote diplomatic solutions and prevent or end conflicts. By sharing the poem and its message, peace advocates can gain more support and momentum.
  6. Media and Public Awareness: The poem can be shared through various media platforms, such as social media, news outlets, and public readings. This exposure can help raise awareness about the need for peace and draw attention to the destructive consequences of war.
  7. Influence on Public Opinion: Public sentiment can significantly impact political decisions. When people read or hear a powerful poem like “Making Peace,” it can sway public opinion against aggression and encourage citizens to demand peaceful, diplomatic resolutions to conflicts.
  8. International Diplomacy: In some cases, diplomatic efforts involve cultural and literary exchange. The poem can be used as a piece of cultural diplomacy to build bridges between nations, fostering dialogue and mutual understanding.

While a poem alone may not be enough to bring antagonistic leaders and warmongers to their senses, it can be part of a larger effort to promote peace, create awareness, and inspire change. Ultimately, the path to a more peaceful world involves a combination of diplomatic negotiations, grassroots activism, public pressure, and a shift in societal attitudes, and poetry can be a meaningful component of this broader strategy.

Mary L. Holden: Thank you for this analysis, ChatGPT. And now, I shall ask myself what it is I can do to “make the world a better place and bring antagonistic leaders and warmongers to their senses,” even if all I can do is meditate on peace and generate some loving energy to send out in the form of a stone being tossed into the pond.



Mary L. Holden

A constantly evaporating editor and writer. Believer in medium since 2013 when they made me wait for an invitation….