Medium is Leaking!
…unwelcome comments are coming through the cracks… allows commentary on posts…a nice interaction for writers and readers.
This ability to leave comments also allows businesses to make a mark on our posts…not about the content…but to solicit business.
While I applaud the creative way they’ve found to do some free advertising, I for one, do not appreciate the solicitation and whatever it is you’re selling…I’m not buying.
Go ahead and interrupt the YouTube videos I (sometimes) watch!
Give me a minute to turn away from the TV screen and refresh a beverage!
Make me laugh during the (kind of sad, at least to me because I cannot ignore the background nasty stuff the Sports Industrial Complex has gotten away with…has ruined lives with…has exploited…blah, blah, blah) Super Bowl!
When your product is available in my own community, and when I can purchase it from a proprietor who will keep the money circulating in the local economy — I will appreciate the transaction so much more.
So…thanks for your effort to find my silly poetry and to use it to sell to me. But know this: My Wallet Is Closed To You And Your Business.